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Get Items API

Retrieve all items associated with the specified restaurant_id.

Updated over a year ago


Retrieve items associated with a specified restaurant_id from Stellar Menus. Each request will return up to 50 items. To paginate through items, use the start query parameter.







Authorization: <Your-API-Key>

When forming your request, include a JSON payload with the specific restaurant_id you're interested in:

"restaurant_id": "your_restaurant_id"

Replace your_restaurant_id with the actual ID of the restaurant you're inquiring about.


  • start: The starting position of items you want to retrieve. If not specified, it defaults to 1.


The API will return details for items associated with the given restaurant_id, starting from the specified start position and up to 50 items.

Example Request Body

"restaurant_id": "63250dafda6e4c02847e4296"

Expected Response

"item_name": "The Classic Burger",
"description": "8 oz Beef Burger | Lettuce | Tomatoes | Cheddar",
"price": "18",
"dietary": "Can be GF",
"allergies": "Dairy", "status": "active"
// ... other items ...

If you're paginating and retrieving items 51 to 100 or 101 to 150, the structure of the response will remain consistent, but the item details will reflect those particular items in the sequence.

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